What is premium membership?

Premium Membership is a different category of Users. The users under “Premium Membership” will get more features and more benefits compare to free Users. They are the privileged users of Zoomtute and get premium students.

What are the benefits of premium membership?

There are several benefits of Premium Membership users. They will get more features and more benefits compare to free Users based on the Subscription. Benefits are like un-limited access of enquiry, top on search, premium tutor, exposure to premium students and permission to display institute banner if they have.

What is subscription?

Subscription is the way to apply and receive special rights to access different features of application, taking the advantage over other users and get more benefits than normal users.

How many types of subscription available, validity and benefits?

Currently Zoomtute offers three types of Subscription,
Bronze - Validity three months, Unlimited of Enquiry
Silver - Validity 6 months, Unlimited Enquiry, Top on Search, Premium Tutor
Gold -Validity 12 months, Unlimited Enquiry, Top on Search, Premium Tutor and Display Institute Banner

What is fees for subscription?

For Indian Users –
Bronze-₹200, Silver-₹300 and Gold-₹500
For International Users –
Bronze-$3, Silver-$5 and Gold-$8

Is it mandatory to go for Premium Membership subscription?

No not mandatory. But you will get more features and more benefits in “Premium Membership” subscription than free user’s membership.

When is the Premium Membership renewed or upgraded?

The validity details is given above. When the validity expires then you need to renew it or upgrade it. Zoomtute reminds you timely about the renovation but however it is user wish purchase or upgrade membership. Remember upgradation will be always beneficial to you.